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An easy way to support Learning Options, Inc. is through Box Tops. Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit Learning Options. Inc.

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When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Learning Options, Inc. at no cost to you!  Visit the website by clicking on the icon to the left, select Your Account/ Settings/ Your AmazonSmile/ then search for "Learning Options Inc"


Visit the Kroger Community Rewards page by clicking the logo to the left. The website will guide you through creating a digital account and linking your card to our organization. Any transactions moving forward, using your shopper's card, will be applied to Learning Options, Inc. at no cost to you!

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This one is super simple!!! Click the picture to the left and it will automatically take you to the Learning

Options' fundraising website.  A generous portion of your purchase supports Learning Options, Inc. at no additional cost to you!


Create an account with iGive, choose 'Learning Options Inc" as your cause to sponsor and follow the website's instructions. They provide an iGive button for your browser, to make shopping through them easier.  When you use iGive to make your everyday online purchases, through most major retailers, they donate a portion of your purchase back to your selected organization!   

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